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Photo of attorney - Rose Mary Parham

Month: July 2017

Hazards of drinking in the summer

While many South Carolina residents know that heat and alcohol can both have their dangers, some may not have thought about the hazards of combining these substances. When combined, heat and alcohol can have a far-reaching impact on people, and it is important to...

The complex system of misdemeanor charges

Misdemeanor charges can be serious, but are not as crucial as felonies, which involve more complicated and expensive procedures. In South Carolina, the court system divides misdemeanor charges in three separate categories, and each category consists of its own complex...

Effects of prescription drug abuse

Prescription drug abuse has seen all-time high in recent years. The misuse of drugs such as opioids and benzodiazepines are only a few names in the world of drug abuse. In addition to the negative effects these chemicals can have on the body, prescription drug abuse...