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York County teen faces misdemeanor charges in runaway case

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2019 | Misdemeanors

The hope is that teens in Florence gain the experience needed to successfully deal with life’s challenges without having to learn those lessons the hard way. Yet oftentimes, teens simply lack the comprehension and discernment needed to fully understand the implications of their actions. While such actions may indeed fit the definition of criminal activity, oftentimes the teens accused of committing them display no criminal intent. Rather, they simply may view what they do as harmless actions that cause no distress to others or as then simply trying to help out their friends when they are in need. 

The latter may have served as justification for a York County teen who was recently arrested on misdemeanor charges stemming from a runaway case. Authorities say that he aided and encouraged a pregnant 16-year-old to run away from home, even to the point of harboring her during her time away from home. He now faces charges of harboring a runaway and contributing to the delinquency of minor, both of which could send him to prison for several years. His relationship to the girl (as well as any ties he may have to her unborn child) were not revealed. 

Some might say that as 19-year-old, he should have known better (as should others in a similar position). Yet simply because one has technically reached the age of adulthood does not necessarily mean that they have the life experience needed to avoid trouble. If and when they do find trouble, the hope is that whatever punitive action they face is only that which the charges against them warrant (and not a penalty that could make transitioning into their adult lives more difficult). Those hoping to secure such an outcome may want to have an experienced attorney working on their behalf.