LOCAL | 843-407-7757
TOLL FREE | 888-341-3469

Photo of attorney - Rose Mary Parham


Contact An Experienced Florence Trial Lawyer

Attorney Rose Mary Parham and the entire team of Parham Law Firm, LLC, bring experience, compassion and an aggressive approach to representing clients. For a consultation to discuss your case with an experienced attorney, call 843-407-7757 (888-341-3469 toll free) or fill out the contact form.

Parham Law Firm, LLC
Florence Office
541 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501

Phone: 843-407-7757
Toll Free: 888-341-3469
Fax: 843-407-7758
Florence Office

Georgetown Office
402 Church Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: 843-278-0229
Fax: 843-278-0229
Georgetown Office

Photo of the firm's business card

How Can We Help You?

Office Location

Parham Law Firm, LLC
Florence Office
541 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501

Phone: 843-407-7757
Toll Free: 888-341-3469
Fax: 843-407-7758
Florence Office

Georgetown Office
402 Church Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: 843-278-0229
Fax: 843-278-0229
Georgetown Office