When it comes to underage drunk driving, there are many issues to take into consideration. If you are a teen who was accused of this offense, or if your child is facing underage DUI charges, you may have a high level of anxiety and be unsure of what to do next. In Florence, and across all parts of South Carolina, these charges can upend a young person’s life in many ways. For example, they may lose their driving privileges, face financial penalties and even spend time behind bars. Moreover, these charges could impact their performance in school, which highlights how important it is to deal with these charges appropriately.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated one out of each 10 high-schoolers operates a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Although the number of teen drivers driving while drunk has gone down since 1991, a significant number of young people continue to face drunk driving charges after driving while intoxicated. There are many reasons why a teenager may get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. For example, they may not be aware that it is against the law for them to drive after consuming a very small amount of alcohol. Or, perhaps they are pressured by their peers to drive drunk.
These charges can have a significant impact on a child’s future. If your child is facing these allegations, you should take a close look at your various options and make sure that you handle the situation appropriately.