If you have ever been arrested in Nebraska for any reason, even if you were never convicted for any charge, you can likely attest to being afraid of many things during the process. Immediate concerns can include the cost of any fines or legal help as well as whether or not you will have to spend time in jail. Longer-term concerns eventually surface and are likely to include how you will find a job if you have an arrest or misdemeanor conviction on your record. As Monster explains, this may be more possible than you think.
Certainly criminal background checks are part and parcel of hiring processes for most companies today. However, a study done by the Charles Koch Institute and the Society for Human Resources Management found that more than 80 percent of hiring managers felt applicants with criminal records could be just as useful to a company as those applicants without any criminal blemishes in their pasts.
Some of the things that may help you get a job include the type of job you are applying for and whether or not your criminal history is relevant to that. Another factor is when the arrest took place. For example, if you were arrested for being involved in a fight when you were 22 and you are now 35 and looking for a job in sales, the impact may be less than if you were convicted for embezzlement last year and are applying for a bank teller job today.
This information is not intended to provide legal advice but is instead meant to give residents in Nebraska who may have minor misdemeanors on their record an idea of how they may still be able to have a positive job-hunting experience.