Residents in South Carolina know and understand that driving a vehicle while intoxicated is not only illegal but is also dangerous and irresponsible. There are clear laws in place designed to prevent such behaviors. This, however, does not mean that every person who...
Month: December 2018
Driving under the influence of prescription medications
South Carolina, like all the other states in the Union, has strict laws against drunk driving and drugged driving. While most people think of drugged driving as driving under the influence of illicit drugs, drugged driving often involves the use of prescribed...
Your health and field sobriety tests
If you have been stopped by officers in South Carolina and eventually questioned for potentially being intoxicated while driving, you will know just how scary this experience can be. During the investigation, you might have been asked to perform certain tests that...
Could your kratom use land you in jail in South Carolina?
To listen to the companies that manufacture it, you would think that kratom is some wonder drug meant to cure all ills. To be sure, there do appear to be legitimate medicinal uses for the drug.However, that hardly indicates that it is harmless to all users. But...
Facing drug charges, S.C. school administrator placed on leave
Even respected individuals within a South Carolina community may face criminal charges related to drugs. Citizens of Richland County, South Carolina recently received a reminder of that fact as authorities have arrested an assistant principal at the school...

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Phone: 843-407-7757
Toll Free: 888-341-3469
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402 Church Street
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 843-278-0229
Fax: 843-278-0229
Georgetown Office