Classification of criminal charges in South Carolina relates to how serious the alleged crime is. Misdemeanor charges are less serious than felonies but more serious than infractions. When you face misdemeanor charges, it affects the way that the court will handle...
Month: August 2019
Gun carry laws in South Carolina
Regardless of your positions on gun control, there may be many reasons that you want to learn about the laws in South Carolina regarding the right to carry a gun. This is especially important if you wish to own a gun so that you do not inadvertently break one of these...
Defining shoplifting in South Carolina
Most in Florence might find it difficult to contain a smirk when asked about their thoughts regarding shoplifting. This is no doubt due to many assuming that shoplifting is limited to offenses similar to the proverbial “swiping of a candy bar.” If asked,...
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Office Location
Parham Law Firm, LLC
Florence Office
541 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501
Phone: 843-407-7757
Toll Free: 888-341-3469
Fax: 843-407-7758
Florence Office
Georgetown Office
402 Church Street
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 843-278-0229
Fax: 843-278-0229
Georgetown Office