South Carolina is a state that takes driving while under the influence (DUI) charges very seriously. If you are a driver who is currently facing this type of charge, you could find yourself dealing with heavy and severe penalties. Because of this, it's important to...
Month: February 2019
Understanding constructive possession
Here at the , in South Carolina, many of our clients face drug charges of one kind or another. All of these cases have one thing in common, however.Whatever type of drug charges you face, the prosecutor cannot convict you of any alleged...
What happens after a DUI?
In South Carolina, drunk driving charges are taken very seriously. Driving while inebriated can cause grave injuries to yourself and others, and it can also cause a great deal of property damage depending on how many other vehicles are involved. From a legal...
Crime reform bill targets reduced prison population
Many people in South Carolina might automatically lump everyone convicted of a criminal offense into one big bucket. That, however, is quite unrealistic and even unfair. There is a big difference between being convicted of drug trafficking marijuana and being...
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Office Location
Parham Law Firm, LLC
Florence Office
541 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501
Phone: 843-407-7757
Toll Free: 888-341-3469
Fax: 843-407-7758
Florence Office
Georgetown Office
402 Church Street
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 843-278-0229
Fax: 843-278-0229
Georgetown Office