If you never drive under the influence of alcohol, you never have to concern yourself with a DUI charge. However, good people make bad mistakes all the time, which could lead you to a run-in with the law.A DUI arrest is stressful enough, but this doesn't even take...
Month: January 2019
1 dead in alleged South Carolina drunk driving accident
Charleston, South Carolina, had gone nearly a month into the new year without a traffic fatality, but all that changed on Saturday when a drunk driver allegedly ran a stoplight and collided with another vehicle. The driver in question now faces felony...
Aid workers convicted on misdemeanor charges
Many South Carolinians have heard that no good deed goes unpunished. While it may be a tired aphorism, four aid workers in Arizona may find it apt after conviction on misdemeanor charges for allegedly entering a protected refuge without a permit to leave food and...
Alleged hit and run may affect S.C. reality star’s custody case
A hit-and-run accident in South Carolina may result in either a misdemeanor or a felony charge. Though less serious than a felony, a misdemeanor can nevertheless carry serious legal consequences. For example, the star of a popular reality TV program may lose custody...
New Year’s Eve checkpoint yields three arrests
People all across South Carolina are likely familiar with sobriety checkpoints. These are commonly held by law enforcement agencies over key holiday periods throughout the year. These holidays may include Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Halloween,...
What criminal charges will impact LIFE Scholarship eligibility?
College is prohibitively expensive for many young people. They may not be able to work the kind of jobs that provide sufficient money to cover college tuition costs. Their parents may also not have enough expendable income to contribute substantially toward the cost...
South Carolina tops southeast states in drunk driving deaths
A study drawing from 2017 data, which were the most recent available, shows that South Carolina ranks number two in the nation for drunk driving deaths, second only to Wyoming, and number one in the southeastern region with 6.22 deaths resulting from impaired...

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Parham Law Firm, LLC
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541 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501
Phone: 843-407-7757
Toll Free: 888-341-3469
Fax: 843-407-7758
Florence Office
Georgetown Office
402 Church Street
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 843-278-0229
Fax: 843-278-0229
Georgetown Office