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Photo of attorney - Rose Mary Parham



The number .08 holds significance for many in Florence. That is the blood-alcohol concentration that is almost universally accepted as the standard for determining whether one is legally drunk. Like many of those that we here at the have...

The price to pay after a shoplifting charge

Many South Carolina residents might agree that crimes related to shoplifting pale in comparison to more serious offenses. Nevertheless, those caught stealing often face serious repercussions. One point of debate surrounding shoplifting involves the penalties that come...

Continued criminal justice reform sought

In 2010, reports indicate that only 10 states in the nation had higher incarceration rates than South Carolina. That year criminal justice reform efforts began and today the state's incarceration rate has improved from number 11 to number 19. In addition, seven...

How much will a DUI really cost you?

South Carolina residents who are taken to court on DUI-related charges have a lot to consider, and a lot to potentially lose. You may not realize it, but charges related to drinking and driving can cover a wide range depending on the crime committed. In fact, you may...